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5S Methodology | What is 5S | 5S Full Explaination

5S Methodology | What is 5S | 5S Full Explaination

What Is 5S?

👉  5S is a methodology and a practices for organizing and managing the workplace and work flow with the intent to improve efficiency by eliminating waste, improving flow of working process.
👉  It is for improvement of working environment and build understanding among employees of how they should do the work.
👉  The word “5S(five S)” was generalized in 1980’s in manufacturing sector in Japan, as Toyota Production System (TPS) became famous in the sector and “5S activities” were set as one of the bases of TPS
👉 5S mean, Good housekeeping techniques for enhancing productivity, quality and safety at the workplace. Many organizations are already practiced the 5S and achieved significant benefits from effectively implemented all stages in workplace. If you are implementing total quality management or lean manufacturing, you have to initially and fundamental step implement as 5S to track the continuous improvement as operational level.
👉 In Some organizations, 5S has become 6S which is Safety. The goal of adding this new step “6S” is to foster a culture that enhances safety by identifying any workplace hazards and removing them. The emphasis being that in each of the other 5S steps the motto is “Safety First”.

5S is literally five abbreviations of Japanese terms with 5 initials of S.

The Benefits of 5S Implementation

⇒  A clean and clear environment: eye of the customer
  Easy detection of abnormalities and problems
⇒  Waste elimination
⇒  Safe and effective workstations
⇒  Less time wasted
⇒  Breakdown reduction
⇒  Heightened professionalism of production personnel
⇒  Maintaining and respecting established standards
⇒  Heightened responsibility and initiative
⇒  Implication and pride of workmanship.

How to effectively implementation 5S?

👉Very first you have to understand manufacturing and supporting processes, production stages, process flow, and material used in processes, identification of plants resources to mapping 5S implementation at various locations.
👉Identify a pilot locations and educate everyone working in that area on 5S.
👉Define 5S system's implementation related objective as company object and include safety, and quality as on initial implementation parts.
👉Try to make the facility visual and make the workplace easy to use.
👉Brain storming for new methods to make work easy.
👉Everyone is responsible for its location, machine and workplace, define responsibility of key personnel.
👉Identify Zones in organization and define the Zone leader with their responsibilities.
👉Maintain activities according to standards, in case of any mistakes correct immediately.
👉 Live 5S daily basis, sustain the 5S methodology.

1. Sort

The first S in 5S is sorting, this S is focused on eliminating the unwanted, unnecessary and unrelated materials from the workplace. There is three types of categories based on the frequency of their use during sorting of items, equipment, material, tools files, furniture etc.
  1.  Necessary (Need it) :- Items often use are in this category
  2. May not necessary (May need it) :- Items only used occasionally are in this category
  3. Unnecessary (Not need it) :- Items not used in current work process are in this category 

Why is it important?

·       Improve communication between workmen.
·       Reduces problems and frustrations in the workflow.
·       Time, money, energy, space and other resources can be managed and used most effectively.
·      Increases product quality and enhances productivity.

Implementation Method

·      First you have to decide what items / materials are necessary which materials / items are unwanted and unnecessary.
·      To identification of unnecessary items / material you should not verify only the floor but also at around of your workplace.
·      Put the “Red Tag” on all unwanted and unnecessary items and keep them in a separate location.
·      If any items used within 6 to 12 months may located at a distance from the workplace.
·      Any items used frequently should be available at near of workplace.

Benefits of Sorting (1S)

  • Saving in use of Space.
  • Removal of excess equipment/parts.
  • More space made available in working area
  •  Avoidance of error.
  • Easy access to things.
  • Eliminate unsafe situations.
  • Preventing rusting or damage to material
  • Reduced inventory by sale of scrap material.

2. Set in Order

Set in order is second stage of 5S system. The focus of this S is for systematic arrangement of items / things for easy to find and use. Honestly, peoples say about set in order - "Place for everything and everything in its place".
The goal of second stage of 5S system is every thinks in the right places or set up so that they are readily available and easily accessible for use, its eliminate searching of particular thing needs for current operation.
Here three basic fundamentals of this stage are:
(1) Organize items in such a manner that they are easy to available, visible, accessible and easy to use.
(2) Labelling and identifying them so that they are easy to find and put back.
(3) A place for all necessary items and everything in its place, no more houseless items.

Some important point for improving the 2S and make the workplace for more visually instructive.

  • At the facility equipment, tools, utility, machinery, electrical system etc.., must be well organized and labeling to simplify tracing.
  • Every tools, and utility items must be kept near the point of use, labeled and organized.
  • To focusing on safety requirements, every workplace must be provided hazard warning systems, safe working instructions at the point of need. And ensure that, the personal protective equipment is easy to access and ready for use.
  • To focus on manufacturing processes, every work instruction must be updated, devices used in processes must be mistake-proofing to prevent human and machine errors.
  • Every quality standard must be visually designed & properly displayed as well display examples of which kind of results will acceptable & unacceptable in if visual display if possible.
  • Every store room inventory properly labeled and description, quantity as well specific location must be maintained.

Implementation Method

  • First, you have to decide the right place for everything, or any item you have to put on the rack or at any place, reassign spaces if necessary.
  • Deploy all materials, devices, tools, equipment etc., at a place specified or allocated to them with proper label.
  • Indicate / sign / label or numbers of maximum and minimum to alert in case of over load stock situation.
  • Use floor pain marking to define working area, gangways, entry - exit ways, safety equipment, locations etc.., this clearly identifies the location of equipment and also warns people passing by not get too close.
  • Maintain standards in color coding, specifically for pipelines, water lines, gas lines etc. for equipment, machinery specific color is also recommended.
  • Overhead crane, water tanks, chemical / or any liquid tanks etc., must be capacity defined and marked on visible writing.
  • Use display cautions, messages, instructions at proper places at height and written clearly.

Benefits of set in order (2S)

  • Helps reducing time consumed in searching materials for use.
  • Easy to inspect and recognize when material is taken out from their location.
  • Creates work effectiveness.
  • Creates safety atmosphere.
  • Helps in inventory control.
  • Improve work place utilization.

3. Shine

Shine is third stage of 5S system. The focus of this S is on Cleaning of everything in the work place and keeping it clean. A clean workstation is proof of quality, safety and pride of workmanship.

Implementation Method

  1. Divide the area into zones, designate a zone manager.
  2. Select a cleaning order for the area and the equipment and note problems or abnormalities.
  3. Study cleaning instruments and methods to reach difficult areas.
  4. Establish rules to maintain a clean work area.
  5. To focus on safety requirements: every team member who performing this task must be      equipped with safety tools and personal protective equipment.
  6. Check specific equipment targets for necessary repairs and replace anything if need.
  7. During the perform cleaning processes, make sure the defective conditions such as loose wires, loose bolts and nuts, vibrations, excessive sound, temperature etc., in case found talk with maintenance superior for further actions if you are not belonging to maintenance.
  8. Move the dust, materials removed during the cleaning from various area store at specified / allocated dump yard.
  9. Shine and inspect through cleaning every shift.

Benefits of shine (3S)

  • Good, neat & clean working place motivates for effective functioning.
  • Increases efficiency of machines / equipment.
  • Extends machine and equipment life. 
  • Creates safe environment and working place. 
  • Helps in identifying the potential cause of problems. 
  • Helps in developing the skill of operator for doing autonomous maintenance. 
  • Reduction of wastage.

4. Standardize

The focus of this S is on standardization and maintaining the above three S’s (Sort, Set in order and Shine) on routine base. This stage of 5S, forming a consistent way of implementing the tasks that are performed on a day-to-day basis with all first three stages of 5S. 

Standardization maintained through: 

  • Work instructions, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Checklist development and regular usage for SOPs
  • Mechanism and format development for ordering supplies, reporting etc
  • Color coding for waste segregation
  • Standardized common symbols 

Implementation method

  • Prepare documented procedures / operations SOPs, work instructions and guidelines for initial stages such as shorting, set in order and shine for the visual workplace.
  • To maintain standards, make the audit checklist for each department, section and division as well as train your people in using them.
  • 5S evaluation is one of the important tasks of 5S system, carry out monthly, quarterly or periodic evaluation by verify and using the audit checklists.
  • Visual management is best part to implement and to act faster for such as: Labels at each material, tanks, equipment, chemical storage areas etc.
  • Identify and categorize a condition to standardize.
  • During the periodic 5s evaluation, needs to discover new potential control ideas as floor condition. Choose, test and implement control ideas at appropriate locations.
  • Maintain & monitor those conditions and standards defined.
  • 5S system related activities should be planned and schedule at the frequency rate necessary to maintain a clean, orderly and safe working environment.

Benefits of standardize

  • Proper & Nice Working Areas
  • Help in synchronizing the activities of SEIRI, SEITON & SEISO
  • Helps in educating the new persons joining the area on standard methods in practice.
  • Reduce breakdown and increase meantime between failure
  • Reduce the defects & breakdowns, and less scope for errors and scrap.
  • Visual management improves work efficiency
  • Work area looks more organized and safer.
  • With better visual and transparency management work efficiency will improve.

5. Sustain

To sustain means to make a habit of properly maintaining correct procedures. Sustain also means discipline. It indicates your assurance to sustain regularity and to practice first 4s as a way of life. This also requires that your employees' demonstration optimistic attentiveness & overcome resistance to change. The stage focus that the 5S mentality is embedded in routine in works and procedures. Some simple points that helps to understand & implement procedure for 5S - sustain:
  • Establish the rules to keep the workplace well organized & ordered as well track by established upon standards.
  • Ensure that all the workmen, staff, operators and support team must be trained for 5S procedures, work instructions, safety instructions and operational procedures.
  • Establish proper structure of how and when 5S activities will be implemented.
  • Formulate guidelines for evaluation / audit of 5S implementation.
  • Educate and encourage participation through 5S concepts and skills development, 5S communication boards, emails, visual displays, study groups and weekly 5S activities.
  • Draw up and audit system including checklist for 5S for all the workplace, offices, shop floor, storage areas etc.
  • Conduct periodic audit and monitor the scores through radar charts / bar charts.
  • Appreciate by awarding, appreciation to best workplace, offices, zone etc.
5S audit processes must establish into practice to ensure that all the stages of 5S are properly function and maintained workplace organized as top priority as well as ensuring that the routines & schedules are conducts as specified standardization.

Benefits of sustain

  • Promotes habits for complying with work place rules and procedures.
  • Creates healthy atmosphere and good workplace.
  • Improves Safety and Hygiene
  • Improves morale of employees
  • Develops team work
  • Develops ability to think and analyze causes for improving control system.
  • Improvement of Company culture, rules, safety devices, etc.

6. Safety

6S is a system that aims to promote and sustain a high level of productivity and safety throughout a workspace. While adhering to the 5S principle of Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain, the 6S method adds the concept of Safety. 6S not only helps organizations promote efficient working environments but also establishes a sustainable culture of safety.
The additional step which focuses on identifying hazards and setting preventive controls to keep workers safe during work operations. Use a digital safety checklist to identify common warehouse and manufacturing hazards.
afety should always be the topmost priority in every workplace. A safe working environment positively affects productivity and quality. A safe workplace creates a stress-free and healthy atmosphere where all workers feel safe and secure. A clean and organized workplace can also make it easy to recognize and control potential hazards.
The first step to safety is identifying existing hazards and those which are likely to be present in the workplace. All employees must be aware of the different types of workplace hazards and evaluate these hazards through risk assessments. These prerequisite methods carry out standard safety procedures and necessary controls to reduce or eliminate these hazards.

Workers should also wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as an additional protection to hazards which are difficult to control or can’t be eliminated. PPE includes hard hats, safety goggles, face masks, insulated gloves, slip-resistant boots, and a lot more.

Achieving 100% safety is never an easy task, but through incorporating safety to the original 5S method, you can help improve working conditions in your organization. Workers can not only focus on completing tasks for the day but can also habitually contribute to the overall workplace safety.

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