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Vernier Caliper

What is Vernier Caliper?

Vernier Caliper is a precise measuring instrument which can be used measure internal and external distances very accurately. Also we can check the depth of a object with Vernier Caliper. Example shown of Vernier Caliper on Below Picture
1. External Distance
2. Internal Distance
3. Depth of Object
The user take the measurements value through scale. The Manual Vernier have both an imperial and metric scale.This is more difficult to use and possibilities of human error in reading of scale than using a Digital Vernier Caliper which has a Digital display on which reading appears. In Digital Vernier caliper no possibilities of human error in reading the scale. 

Vernier Caliper has two types of Scale, one is Main Scale and Second is Vernier Scale. Main Scale is fixed and vernier scale is movable.

Types and parts of Vernier Calipers

1. Manual Vernier Caliper

2. Dial Caliper

3. Digital Vernier Caliper

What is Least count?

The smallest value which can be measure accurately with instrument that called least count. Formula for least count of Vernier Caliper is;

Least count of Vernier Calipers

1. Manual Vernier Caliper  :- 0.02 mm 
2. Dial Caliper                    :- 0.01 mm
3. Digital Vernier Caliper   :- 0.01 mm

Zero Error

When the zero of main scale not matched with zero of vernier scale then instrument has a error that error called zero error. This error can be two types;
1. Positive Zero Error:- If the zero of Vernier scale is to the right of the zero of main scale then the error will be Positive zero error.
2. Negative Zero Error:- If the zero of Vernier scale is to left of the zero of main scale then the error will be Negative zero error.

How to read the measurement from the scales
Example 1:- What is the diameter of Round Piece which is shown in picture below 

1. Firstly read the main metric scale which shows that there 13 divisions before 0 of "hundredths of mm" scale. Therefore, the first number is 13.
2. After this read the hundredths of mm scale. The best way to do this is to count the number of divisions until you get to the division that lines up with the main metric scale. This is 21 divisions on hundredths of mm scale and the reading of this 0.42 after multiplied by 0.02 in 21 because each divisions on the hundredths scale is equal to 0.02 mm.
3. So after added together both reading (13+0.42) the diameter of piece is 13.42 mm.

Alternatively, it is just as easy to read the 13 on the main scale and 42 on the hundredths scale. The correct measurement being 13.42 mm.

Example 2:- 

Some other picture for you please see and give the answer in comment box if you able to read the reading of Manual Vernier Caliper and if you have any doubt to read the reading please write in comment, i will help to you.

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